How To Improve Poker Game

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How To Improve Poker Game Rating: 5,9/10 772 votes
  1. Play tight but aggressive. Many amateur players make a huge mistake of playing too wide and opening too many Texas Holdem hands. The key when you are starting out is to play only your strongest hands to keep your VPIP poker stat at a lower side and avoid many tough decisions post-flop. This will let you play less, but more aggressively when you decide to take your hand into action.
  2. If you want to learn poker strategy or improve your game to prepare for your night, try visiting a training site, but remember that the most important part here is to have fun. Don’t expect too much from the first game, of course, as people might need some time to get into it.
  3. Reading poker articles, playing around with poker tools, and talking over hands with friends are a few of the many ways you can improve your game away from the table. Tip #8: Do you know definitively whether your river bet is a value bet or bluff?

Do Pick the Right Game for Your Skill Level and Bankroll. One of the reasons you shouldn't jump into a $5/10 game after winning a huge bunch of money at $2/4 is because as the stakes rise, so does the average skill level of the players sitting there. You want to be one of the best at the table, not the fish who sits down with sharks.

by GutshotPosted on 01 Jun, 2020

Most of us are interested in improving our game as it is quickly becoming a necessity in order to survive in the current online environment. The following are 5 simple yet effective tips to improve your game. Set these in motion and we should start crushing in no time!

How To Improve Poker Game

Tip 1 – Study the Game

Perhaps we are the kind of player who loves to play big volume, but takes out time to study the game and learn new theoretical concepts only once in a while.

The ideal balance won’t really be the same for everybody and will rely upon how rapidly we realize, how effectively we set new ideas in motion, and our general level of understanding is. If we are relatively new to the game of we should spend a large proportion of our time studying, ideally 50% or more. Once we have mastered the most critical, basic principles, we should often adopt a ratio which is closer to 80% volume and 20% study.

Tip 2 – Analyse your Own Game

Sometimes players spend a significant amount of time reading and watching content that others have produced, but don’t commit enough time to specific application of this content to their own personal game.

Actually more than 80% of players utilize tracking software like HM2 and PT4 simply as methods for logging hands and results. These are capable bits of programming and can possibly be far beyond just a results tracker. We can increase solid understanding into where we are losing cash and how we can improve.

Tip 3 – Bankroll Management

How To Improve Poker

This can’t be exaggerated enough. Bankroll management is sufficient enough to make or break a poker player. It might be a smart idea to open a new text document at this stage and write down our exact plan for moving up and down limits. Remember that for cash games it’s recommended to have at least 25-buyins in our bankroll in order to play a certain limit.

Even if you are the best player in the world, variance will often leave you in a fix if you do not adhere to proper bankroll management. One potential problem is being under rolled. You don’t want to be over rolled either. According to studies, we maximise our chances of long-term success if we are aggressively trying to push forward and move up limits.

Tip 4 – Understand Computers

It is a simple fact that you require at least some level of proficiency with computers to be a successful poker player. We need to have a machine that can support the number of tables we like to play while running tracking software alongside any other scripts/utilities that we make use of.

We additionally require enough know-how to abstain from succumbing to traps, for example, scams and viruses. We require our PCs to be quick and virus free.

Tip 5 – Learn with a Friend / Hire a Coach


This tip will depend to a degree on how we learn. Some of us like to have someone around to bounce ideas off or keep us motivated. There are different ways we can do this. We can join a Skype study group, post hands for evaluation on the forums, or hire a coach. This step won’t necessarily work for everyone, but it can produce good results in the majority of cases.

Keep reading for more ‘Poker Gyaan’ articles.


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A lot of poker players ask questions like “How to improve my poker game” so I have decided to write this article where you will find 7 things you can do to improve your results.

1) Reraise with more hands

How To Improve My Poker Game

Majority of amateur poker players reraise only with premium hands. That is a horrible strategy because it´s like showing your cards to your opponents. They can simply call you if they have good implied odds or they simply fold. It is easy for them to read your game whne they know you reraise only with premium hands.

Reraising preflop with more polarized range gives you a more aggressive table image, making it harder for your opponents to read your game. They will make more costly mistakes and so you earn more also with your premium hands.

2) Continuation bets in head up pots

While many poker players use continuation bets on flop when they hit something, they do not use these bets when they completely miss the flop. However, once you are against one opponent only, you should use continuation bet almost everytime.


3) Fire second barrel more often

Continuation bets became so main stream these days that many opponents will simply call or even check-raise your continuation bet. Therefore you need to fire your second barrel on turn more often. Also use this bet when there is some drasticalk change to the board, like straight completed or similar.

You will be surprised how many times you will be able to steal the pot on turn.

4) Practise other forms of poker

If you wish to improve your poker game, I strongly suggest you to learn how to play short handed and head ups. Most of amateur players are very afraid of these situations because they are forced to play much more hands, even those they view as weak. But these situations are very profitable. You need to be good at them if you wish to make money playing poker tournaments. Also in cash games, playing short handed or heads up can dramatically improve your win rate.

Also you may try other forms of poker besides no limit holdem. It can help you to get rid of any default thinking. But make sure that you do not spend too much time at these other games as you need to stay focused on your most profitable game in the long run.

How To Improve At Poker Cash Games

5) Get in shape

“How to improve my poker game” are you asking? To get better in the game you have to get better also in other areas of your life. One of them is being fit. Think of two players. One of them is able to play well for 8 hours, second is able to play well for 12 hours, you can be sure that second player will be able to win more money.
That said, you simple have to be in an excellent mental and physical shape to be able to play for many hours without losing your focus and emotional control.
If you wish to improve your poker game, start exercise regularly and start eat healthy food.

How to improve poker game

6) Get enough sleep

If I do not sleep at least 8 hours at night, I do not play my A game next day. If you want to improve your poker game, get enough sleep so you can play with clear mind next day. If you do not get enough sleep you will make mistakes that will cost you money. So next time when your friends ask you to go out with them, consider whether you want to become a professional player and make money playing poker or you want to have fun.

How To Improve My Poker Game

7) Start reviewing your hands

If you do not review you hands after each playing session you are missing a lot of useful educational information. Writting your hands manually can be really time consuming, so it is a good idea to use a poker tracking software to do the job for you automatically.

Once you have enough data you can learn what are your biggest leaks and you will naturally find the answer to your initial question “how to improve my poker game”.