Basic Poker Hands

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Basic Poker Hands Rating: 6,3/10 7357 votes
Basic poker hand ranking

What Beats What In Poker Printable

Example drawing toOutsMake on turnMake on riverMake on turn or river
Inside straight flush;
Four of a kind
Open-ended straight flush;
Three of a kind
High pair30.063814.7-10.065214.3-10.12497.01-1
Inside straight;
Full house
Three of a kind or two pair50.10648.40-10.10878.20-10.20353.91-1
Either pair60.12776.83-10.13046.67-10.24143.14-1
Full house or four of a kind; (see note)
Inside straight or high pair
Open-ended straight80.17024.88-10.17394.75-10.31452.18-1
Inside straight or pair100.21283.70-10.21743.60-10.38391.60-1
Open-ended straight or high pair110.23403.27-10.23913.18-10.41721.40-1
Inside straight or flush;
Flush or high pair
Open-ended straight or pair140.29792.36-10.30432.29-10.51160.955-1
Open-ended straight or flush;
Flush or pair; Inside straight,
flush or high pair
Inside straight or flush or pair;
Open-ended straight, flush or high pair
Open-ended straight, flush or pair210.44681.24-10.45651.19-10.69940.430-1

Poker Hands Order

Full House – This colorful hand is made up of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank, such as three 8s and two 4s, or three aces and two 6s. Flush – Five cards, all of the same suit, but not all in sequence, is a flush. An example is Q, 10, 7, 6, and 2 of clubs. This is meant as a very basic primer into the rules of poker, for more information, get a book on the game (or start playing with a group of people who know how. It's more expensive than reading a book, but the group won't mind. This list is currently broken into several parts: The Very Basics How the Hands are Ranked. Texas Hold’em is the most popular poker variant in the US. It is also the ranking game internationally, dwarfing other poker games by a long margin. This Poker Hands Guide is based on Texas Hold’em hand rankings, and it will reveal the best-kept secrets to forming winning hand combinations. Test your basic poker hands knowledge. By taking this quiz, you can check whether you have understood the basic principles of the poker hand rankings. QUESTION 1: How many cards make up a hand? QUESTION 2: Which cards is a player allowed to use to build his/her hand?